One of the business consulting services that I offer is Process Consulting. You’re probably thinking that this sounds great, but “What is it? How does it apply to me? Why should I care?” Obviously, we all know the definition of a process, but do you know that putting the right processes in place in your daily activities can make your life easier and give you free time to do the things that you really enjoy? It is true and it is simple to implement. Do you want to find out how it is done?
Basically it boils down to this. We all have a multitude of activities, both business and personal, that we take care of on a daily basis. Inevitably there are trouble spots and activities that we don’t really enjoy. Those are the things that can be helped by defining processes to accomplish those tasks. Processes are also beneficial when you have many tasks, but it seems that you don’t have enough time in the day to accomplish them all.
As an example, let’s pretend that you are busy sales executive that is being pulled in many different directions. You might have sales calls to make, clients to service, meetings to attend, planning, traveling, deals to negotiate and the list goes on. That does not even take your personal life into consideration. All these things need to get done. The question is how can you get them done in the most effective and efficient manner possible, so that you can have more time in your life for the things you really enjoy. Here are some ideas for processes that can make your life a whole lot simpler and much more productive to boot!
1) Define what is important to you and what you want to get out of defining processes
This is why you are creating processes in the first place. These are your gold medals at the finish line. What is important to you could be anything. It could be spending quality time with your family and friends, to boating, to just hanging out at home. What is important is entirely up to you. It is your reward, so let’s make some time for you to enjoy it!
2) Determine your major stumbling blocks and time wasters
By this I intend for you to ask yourself the right questions. What is continually taking up most of your time? What do you least like to do? What processes can you put into place that will make your life easier? Is there anything that you can automate or delegate? Whatever those things are can be helped by defining processes to accomplish those tasks.
3) Maximize you productive hours
This is entirely at your discretion. Are you a morning person or are you a night owl? I find that I’m most productive and at my best in the morning, so that is the time that I schedule my important activities. You might have another time of day where you are at your best. Use your discretion. You know what is best for you. This is when you will work through your processes.
4) Work in time blocks
This is important. Multi-tasking is great, but it is often very ineffective because it draws you out of the zone so that you can work on other less important things. Unfortunately, this usually means that you are not functioning at your optimum level. I suggest that you plan your time in blocks and do this during your most productive hours. I also suggest that you do this in a place where you will not be interrupted. Shut your door, turn off your phone, let calls go to voicemail; basically do what you need to do so that you can focus solely on the task at hand. There will be other time blocks for returning calls and things of that nature, but be focused on the specific purpose of your current time block and its process.
5) Utilize the 80 / 20 Rule
The 80 / 20 rule states that you will get 80% of your results out of 20% of the effort that you put forth. The idea here is to focus on that 20%, maximize it and do it during your uninterrupted time blocks.
6) Set timelines
By this, my purpose is to light a fire under you. For instance, if you have 15 sales calls that you need to make, give yourself an hour in which to do it or whatever is realistic. Just make sure that you are pushing yourself. If you give yourself a finite amount of time, you will fit it in, no matter the length of time.
7) Plan your following day at the end of each day
This way you can hit the ground running during your productive hours. You maximize your time blocks. You utilize the 80 / 20 Rule. You are hitting your timelines. Best of all, you have more time for doing what is important to you!
If you follow this system, you will find the right processes that will have you utilizing your time in the most effective and efficient manner possible. The best part is that it will free up your time to do the things you most like to do…the things that are important to you. Utilizing processes will make your life easier and more enjoyable. What do you have to lose? Give it a try!